Vaginal Revitalization

Vaginal revitalization is a nonsurgical treatment to help you restore function and strengthen structure. It’s different than vaginal rejuvenation — an umbrella term for surgeries involving vaginal tissues.

What is vaginal revitalization?

Vaginal revitalization is a nonsurgical treatment to help you restore function and strengthen structure. It’s different than vaginal rejuvenation — an umbrella term for surgeries involving vaginal tissues.

Vaginal revitalization counteracts the side effects of aging and childbirth without the need for invasive procedures, hormones, or downtime. As a result, you can regain the confidence you may have lost and feel like yourself again.

Vaginal revitalization typically works by using painless radiofrequency energy waves to boost circulation in your vaginal tissues and surrounding areas. If you’ve tried Kegel or pelvic floor exercises, vaginal revitalization aims for the same results, just without the training.

How does it help?

The targeted nature of vaginal revitalization can help with a variety of conditions. You may be a good candidate for vaginal revitalization if you’d like to:

  • Tighten skin in the vaginal area and in the vaginal canal
  • Increase blood flow, sensitivity, and lubrication
  • Enjoy a restored sense of self-confidence
  • Treat a mild incontinence

You may find the treatment helps to improve your sexual well-being and kick-starts intimacy with your partner.

What should I expect during vaginal revitalization?

Your practitioner at Aesthetica typically performs the therapy with a small probe that’s specifically designed for female genitalia. The probe sends a precise dose of RF energy to hard-to-reach areas, such as vaginal and labial tissue.Your practitioner at Aesthetica typically performs the therapy with a small probe that’s specifically designed for female genitalia. The probe sends a precise dose of RF energy to hard-to-reach areas, such as vaginal and labial tissue.

Treatments are usually quick, lasting between 15-30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. You’ll likely need more than one treatment. Your provider at Aesthetica will tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs.

Vaginal revitalization requires no downtime, so you’ll be able to get back to your day-to-day activities immediately. If you’d like a renewed sense of intimate wellness and are wondering if you might benefit from vaginal revitalization, call today or schedule a consultation online with Aesthetica.

How does vaginal revitalization work?

Vaginal revitalization treatments typically use specially designed radiofrequency technologies to target the vaginal area. The RF waves painlessly heat up your tissues to encourage more collagen bonds to form inside your skin.

Research has found the treatment resulted in vaginal tightening and improvement in female sexual function. Vaginal revitalization may also lessen a form of incontinence called mild stress urinary incontinence, which results from pregnancy and childbirth.